We are excited for the world to open up again, once it is safe to do so.
We are ignited to set upon a voyage of new discovery, into alternative methods of interaction with our audiences and brands, that are safe, considered and sensible.
We move with the changing times, and embrace the creative openings that are always available and ready for exploration.
The healing magic that dance holds, the joy of colourful costume creation, the inclusivity that is sought always and found through kindness and play,  bright creative conjurings, and sincere hope for a more connected existence:
We make experiences that are successful in bringing THE PEOPLE PILE and the people together.
"How did they manage to round us up like that? Then the most amazing thing happened. The performers came up to us one by one and hugged us. This wasn't just any hug, it was a very loved-up embrace that really caught me off guard at how powerful it was; this was some serious, good energy they had harnessed. I know what you're thinking: 'Alcohol helps!' Yes, but in this case the experience was what was most intoxicating, and we got caught up in this great thing that unfolded around us. So after I had two of the most heart-felt cuddles ever - from mute strangers no less! - I stood back and took a shot of the scene.
I think this photo proves it wasn't just me who felt the power of The People Pile"
- The Swelle Life
The People Pile and Taste of Space collaboration supported by Le Meridien and Tate
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